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#231099 - Billy surveyed the communal shower for a second trying to make sure that none of the dreaded Bros were present, and when he was sure that the coast was clear, he slipped under the first available head and quickly began soaping himself!!! Billy had a problem that was common in every large prison in the country, he was considered a pretty boy, one that the rough trade just loved to use and abuse until his asshole was bloody and his mouth was stretched to the limit!!! He had a guardian angel so to speak, but Big Vince was spending two weeks in the hole, and if the Bros caught him alone they’d have him for breakfast!!! He was just about to make a break for the dressing area when out of nowhere two Bros sauntered into the room, and after seeing that Big Vince was nowhere in sight they quickly grabbed the helpless Billy, dragged him into the corner, and began fucking him in his lily white mouth!!! The two powerful black men had immense peckers that Billy could barely get his mouth around, bu

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