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#338830 - On occasion, someone would stop in the rest area while I was there, most were just travelers using the stop for it's intended purpose, but several times the men seemed to a little hesitant to go in with me sitting on the benches nearby. Then he spread my legs slightly and started to rub just under my sack, a feeling I won't ever forget, and then he surprised the hell out of me by moving a bit more down and stared rubbing my asshole. He took his time and seemed to enjoy every inch of my cock, all the time his hand was massaging my balls and stroking my cock as he went up and down.

Read Gay Smoking 【周一连载】家教老师(作者: CreamMedia) 第1~42话 Little 【周一连载】家教老师(作者: CreamMedia) 第1~42话

Most commented on Gay Smoking 【周一连载】家教老师(作者: CreamMedia) 第1~42话 Little

Mikan yuuki
69 like dislike ratio nice
Ai mizuno
She is so fire bro keep it going
Alisa bannings
I m glad that we are friends now
Mikaela hyakuya
I wish that was my dick getting sucked
Ranpo edogawa
Who wants to play apex season 4